I usually don't post on the weekends, but I am 'on call' so... I guess I'm sort of working.
As of 7/30/13: to the best of our knowledge, these are the rates for most jobs. It's still up to you to be familiar with your own union contracts.
All rates are based on an 8 hour work day, overtime is based on the 8 hour rate.
Rate Sheets can be found on the SAGAFTRA website here.
SAG TV and Movie Rates (as of 7/1/13)
Background - $148.00
Photo Double/Special Ability - $158.00
Stand In - $163.00
SAGAFTRA TV (Exhibit A) (as of 7/1/13)
General Background - $153
Special Ability - $163
Stand-Ins - $169
AFTRA Network TV (as of 11/18/12)
Depends on program length
here are a few common ones...
Serials (15-30mins) - $115
Prog.'s other than Serials or Variety - $110
AFTRA CW (as of 7/1/12)
General Background - $116 (ot per hr - $21.75)
Special Ability - $126 (ot per hr - $23.63)
Stand-Ins - $166
AFTRA WB/UPN (as of 7/1/11)
General Background - $112 (ot per hr - $21)
Special Ability - $122 (ot per hr - $22.88)
Stand-Ins - $166
SAG/AFTRA Commercials (2013)
Regular: $342
13 week: $198.75
Industrials/Promos/Photo Shoots
rates vary
AFTRA promo - $97
Usually minimum wage, $64
(If you notice any outdated rates, email me and let me know. mollye@jessicasalist.com)