In the past you could pay into AFTRA by applying your paychecks to your AFTRA initiation dues owed (when you were past your 30 days, you didn't really have a choice most of the time.) They no longer take your checks for background work. Because of that if you were formerly billing yourself as 'AFTRA Willing' if you get booked on an AFTRA production you may be required to pay your initiation fees and any dues owed.
A few clients have run into issues lately becasue if they don't (or are unable) to resolve their payments to AFTRA after getting booked, the casting office that booked them is at risk for getting fined $500 per person, per booking. (no bueno!)
With all that in mind, if you haven't paid your total initiation fees, you are not an AFTRA member. There is a status when you have paid your initiation fees and have had a membership card in the past, but you are just behind on your bi-yearly dues, but this is less of an issue and usually there aren't fines for casting companies that book you on jobs. In that case you may be asked to get paid up, but the amount you owe would be considerably less than having to pay a whole initiation fee.
My best advice ... wait for it ... is to CALL AFTRA if you are unsure of your exact status and how much you owe. (And call us afterward, we're not mind readers - as my mom always says.)
Lets just put it the easy way...
- If you have a current AFTRA card, you are a Paid Up AFTRA Member.
- If you have ever had an AFTRA card, you are an AFTRA Member, but you are not paid up.
- If you have an AFTRA Number, but no card, you are in the system, but NOT an member.
- If you have nothing from AFTRA, you are non-union (and welcome to join - follow the link below.)
AFTRA's main number: 323-634-8100 ext. 4285 or ask for the Membership Department
AFTRA How to Join
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